It is our pleasure to inform you that the Faculty of Political Science and Security Studies co-organizes, together with John Felice Rome Center, Loyola University Chicago, the 14th edition of "Human Rights and Just Society" symposium. Its "Torun part" will be held on 16–17 October. All Faculty members and students are warmly welcome! No fees or pre-registration apply.
The program:
Sunday, October 16th, 6.00 p.m. (Od Nowa)
The “Winds of War”: Two Life Stories facing the opening of the war
6:00 p.m. – A conversation with Ukrainian Judge Tetyana Antsupova
Tetyana Antsupova, Judge of the Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court of Ukraine (2019–present); Judge of the Supreme Court of Ukraine (2017–present). Former professor of International Law at Odesa University, Ukraine; native of Mariupol, Ukraine.
Judge Antsupova and John Kurowski
7:30 p.m. – Presentation of John Corrigan and Iryna Voronoz
John Corrigan, American entrepreneur and social activist and Iryna Voronov, Ukranian lawyer and native of the Donbas in Ukraine. Upon the outbreak of the war on February 24, 2022, while living in the United States, John and Iryna immediately traveled to Poland and Ukraine for 35 straight days to help rescue, comfort, feed and otherwise assist Iryna’s countrymen throughout Ukraine.
Monday, October 17th, 9.00 a.m. (Conference room, Main Library of Nicolaus Copernicus University)
9.00 a.m. – Opening welcome
9.30 a.m.–11.30 a.m. – “The Shock of War: 5 Million Refugees (and counting)”
John Kurowski and Michał Balcerzak will lead this panel.
A Ukrainian Mother’s Story: A conversation with Marika Gvagvaliia
Marika Gvagvaliia, Lawyer, mother and refugee from Kyiv; escaped shelling of the war with two children; husband remains in Kyiv supporting the war effort. Has resided in Camillian monastery in Warsaw since early March with children. She will tell her story.
Making way for sheltering refugees in Warsaw
Father Roman Zajac, Director of Camillian monastery in Warsaw who has led an effort to house and feed up to 50 refugees and families since the outbreak of the war.
The Humanitarian Response: an assistance center in Torun, Poland
Tatiana Dembska, self-employed business owner living in Torun. Dedicated her business and employees to run a humanitarian aid center in Torun once the war began.
The perspective of Ukrainian Refugees in Poland: Panel Discussion with Judge Antsupova, Ms. Gvagvaliia, Father Zajac and Ms. Dembska
11:30–11:45 – Coffee Break
11:45–12:45 – War Crimes, Violations of Human Rights and Russian Accountability
Richard Weir, Researcher, Crisis and Conflict Division, Human Rights Watch; an award winning senior researcher on the ground in Ukraine will discuss and provide eye witness accounts and video documenting atrocities and war crimes in places such as Buca and Izium.
Richard Weir and William Mahoney
12:45–2:15 – Security Crisis in Europe and Beyond: The Aftermath of the Russian Aggression on Ukraine in 2022
Atrocities, War Crimes and Violations of Human Rights: Bringing Perpetrators to Justice
Tomasz Lachowski, Assistant Professor at the Chair of International Law and International Relations, Faculty of Law at the University of Lodz, Poland. He will speak on victims’ justice and mass atrocities.
The Political and Social Future of Ukraine - Good and Bad Scenarios
Agnieszka Bryc, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Political Science and Security Studies at Nicolaus Copernicus University. Regular commentator on international affairs in the Polish media.
2:15 pm – Conclusions and Closing