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New YUFE Student Help Desk at NCU

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Members of the Student Oratory Help Desk: Weronika Retel, Angela Zamorska, Agata Ratajczak and coordinator Dr habil. Elżbieta Kruszyńska, NCU Professor photo: Andrzej Romański

Bringing together enthusiasts of literature and recitation, the Student Oratory Help Desk is the first YUFE Help Desk launched at NCU in nearly three years.

As an extension of the activities of the "Hexameter" Student Recitation Club, the Oratory Help Desk provides support in developing effective speaking and self-presentation skills. The help desk offers comprehensive assistance to residents of the region, including workshops on preparing and delivering speeches, techniques for managing stage fright, and exercises to enhance communication skills. Participants can also receive guidance on practical techniques such as breathing training, diction, vocal emission, articulation, and nonverbal communication.

We have noticed that more and more people struggle with public speaking. That's why we created a space where they can receive support in overcoming these challenges, explain the student members of the help desk. This initiative is open to everyone who wants to improve their speaking skills, voice control, and self-confidence.
Oratory Help Desk is one of the 12 YUFE student Help Desks that operate at UMK
Andrzej Romański

The Oratory Help Desk is a space where anyone can acquire the skills needed for confident and effective public speaking while overcoming barriers that once seemed insurmountable. It is open to individuals at all skill levels – whether they are just beginning their public speaking journey or looking to refine their existing abilities. The universal methods developed within the clinic are useful not only for speeches but also in everyday life, such as job interviews, negotiations, and interpersonal interactions.

We love that we can help others while also growing ourselves. Running the help desk isn't just about giving advice—it also involves organizational skills, networking with different institutions, and much more. These aspects are so universal that they help us gain valuable experience for the future, say the student members of the help desk

To take advantage of the help desk's support, please fill out the enquiry form available at or contact the help desk directly via email at

The Oratory Help Desk:

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